Letter From the Director
I’m excited about what God is doing in and through revival at Fresh Start Church and Mantled School of Revival. We believe that a revival is not just a sovereign moment in time but should be a sustained move of the tangible presence and power of God. We are raising radical revivalists that will carry the mantle of revival throughout their city, state, region, and nations of the world. This is a multi-generational, post-high school training with no upper age limit as to who can participate. This 18-month program is designed for information and impartation. As you assimilate the information, it will take on greater meaning through the impartation acquired through our weekly revival services, GAP prayer, and DEEPER Discipleship at Fresh Start Church.
Our school structure is as follows:
Tier 1: Revivalist Lifestyle
Through sound biblical teaching with a lifestyle of prayer and intimacy with God, you will learn how to live every day in the supernatural, empowered by the Holy Spirit. You will learn about revivals; past to present and what it takes to sustain revival in your personal life and the local church.
Tier 2: Spiritual Leadership
You will learn to walk at a high level of leadership in the local church from the place of revival; Grow in character and taught how to serve from a posture of humility with authority by learning to die to self every day through sanctification.
Tier 3: Credentialing for Ministry
Your next step is into studies of theology, preaching the word, ministerial ethics as well as other tools to confidently prepare you for the work of the ministry. Students are able to apply for ministry credentials through Fresh Start Church upon completion of the 18-month schooling process.
If your heart burns with a desire to see a sustained move of God and revival spread throughout the earth, I encourage you to prayerfully consider Mantled School of Revival as your next step.
Sean Calahan
Director: Mantled School of Revival